Private Event Professionals of Pennsylvania

Private Event Professionals of Pennsylvania

Our Mission

The Private Event Professionals of Pennsylvania strive to get events back to a media capacity of 50% with a plan to get us back to 100%. We provide professionally executed events ensuring a safe, sanitary environment that prioritizes guest and employee health and safety, while ensuring strict accountability and traceability for all. We have instituted these guidelines with the intention of allowing our clients to celebrate life’s greatest moments with a peace of mind.

Our Goal:

Our goal is to educate our local legislature, including Governor Wolf, to highlight the key differences between a “Private Event” and a “Restaurant.”

We have instituted practices and procedures that allow us to safely execute and document private events in a controlled environment following social distancing guidelines with a start date of June 15th 2020, while simultaneously creating a national pilot program.


Suite 1000
1530 Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102